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⭐️ 飛躍大匯演 2023 Supreme Dance Academy Presents - 💫 Sleeping Beauty⭐️

我們很高興宣布,大家期待已久嘅 Supreme Dance 大匯演將於2023年8月13日(星期日)於柴灣青年廣場-Y綜藝館舉行🎊今年的演出劇目為《睡美人》,本校邀請到香港芭蕾舞團演員 - 魏巍 及 酒井那奈 一同參與演出💫



⭐️Supreme Dance Performance 2023⭐️

We are thrilled to announce that Supreme Dance Performance will take place on August 13th, 2023 (Sunday) at Y Theatre, Youth Square, Chai Wan! 🎊 We are delighted to have Wei Wei and Nana Sakai from Hong Kong Ballet joining our production of “Sleeping Beauty”.💫

🌟We warmly invite all students and dancers to join us on this momentous occasion🌟Can’t wait to see you all dancing on stage soon!🎉

Stay tuned as we bring you more exciting details about the show🔜

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